Discovery Beavers - Temple Hill

  1. About Us

  2. Our Leaders

  3. Resources

  4. Subs

Discovery Colony is for any Boy or Girl aged between 6-8 years.

We run an active programme enabling the young people to earn lots of badges and many activities are linked with our Greenhithe Colony.

Our activities can include crafts, games, outdoor activites and many more. We also regularly hold sleepovers/camps for the Beaver Scouts, for them to gain Nights Away experiences before moving onto Cubs.

We meet on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7.30pm at Marsh Street in Temple Hill.

For membership enquiries please contact Steve on 07966 274393 or

  • Jackie (Kingfisher) - Beaver Leader
  • Debbie (Woodpecker) - Assistant Beaver Leader
  • James - Assistant Beaver Leader

Cycling Activity Badge: Online Cycling Safety Game


Animal Friend Badge - download the workbook:


Rainbow Food Worksheet: Download Worksheet


Swimmer Activity Badge: Check the Requirements

Subs are £15 a month payable by direct debit. You can sign up to pay Discovery Beaver Subs by direct debit using this link (if asked for a reference please enter your childs name):

Royal Naval Recognised Sea Scout Group No. 81  |  Registered Charities No. 1023312
Group Scout Leader – Steve Newton  |  President – Roger F Rowe