Discovery Braver Colony
Discovery Beaver Colony is open to any boy or girl aged from 6 to 8 years old. We meet at the Temple /hill HQ from 6 to 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening.
What we do
We run an active programme enabling the young people to earn lots of badges and many activities are linked with our Greenhithe Colony.
- Arts and Crafts
- Songs and Games.
- Opportunites to have a go on the water
Subs cost £20 per month payable by direct debit. Please use this link to set up your payments: https://pay.gocardless.com/AL00009D7C0VRN
Beaver uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a white scarf or 'necker’ to represent Cambria. We also have a distinctive Navy Baseball Cap to showcase our Royal Navy recognition. Jumpers can either be bought from the scouts online shop - Scout Store - or from a local supplier. The neckerchief and hat are available form the section leader.