All about Explorers

Cambria Explorer Unit
Explorers are an older group within the Scout Association and are made up of male and females aged from 14 to 18 years old. Cambria have a very active Explorer Unit. We believe that Explorers is a time to take on new challenges amongst peers and achieve personal goals for example Night Time kayaking trips, Power Boating, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Expeditions, Camping and generally everything that Scouts offer but at a higher level, a faster pace or simply with new people, making new friends.
Where and When
The ESU meets at the Temple Hill HQ on a Wednesday evening from 7 to 9pm. In the summer we meet with the scouts to go boating.
- Many of our members are working towards instructor or coaching qualificaitons
- We take part in Sailing, Powerboating, Kayaking, Rowing and SUP.
- We also work towards the Duke of Edinburgh scheme at all levels including Gold. Many of our expeditions are water based but we also have opportunities for walking and cycling.
Subs cost £20 per month payable by direct debit. Please use this link to set up the payments:
Explorer uniform consists of a blue shirt and a white scarf or 'necker’ to represent Cambria. You will need smart black trousers, black shoes and an Explorer Hat. Uniform can be bought duirectly from the Cambria Leaders.