Voyager Cub Pack
We meet every Tuesday night during the school term time at Greenhithe Community Centre, Alexander Road starting at 7pm and finish at 8.30pm.
We have a fun and well balanced program which aims for the cubs to achieve the silver award which is highest award in cubs.
We also prepare the cubs to move onto Sea Scouts with the opportunity to try some water activities.
Subs cost £20 per month payable by direct debit. The link to set up payments is https://dashboard.gocardless.com/api/template_plans/0WXXRD3XWB/paylink.
Cub uniform consists of a green sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a white scarf or 'necker’ to represent Cambria. We also have a distinctive Navy Baseball Cap to showcase our Royal Navy recognition.
Jumpers can either be bought from the scouts online shop - Scout Store - or from a local supplier. The neckerchief and hat are available form the section leader.